Why Inflation Doesn’t Matter to the Tyrants Imposing It On Us

Remember, while you are training for diversity and inclusion, someone else is training for war. When you meet, they will win.”
(unknown author)

It’s true. The first obligation of human life is survival. When people threaten your existence, or your freedom, you first must take care of that problem. Concerns about diversity and inclusion — rational and justified, or not — must come later. This isn’t an opinion. It’s a self-evident fact.

I maintain that the powers that be — the people in our government, and their stalwarts in the media, schools and culture — already know this. The worst and most powerful of them are not stupid.

The insanity we’re seeing with “diversity and inclusion” — extending even to a fraction of one percent of the population, people confused about their gender — is a twofer.

What’s the twofer?

One, divide and conquer. Tyrants have used this since the beginning of human society. Abusive family members have used this tool since families first began.

Two, distract people from the need to arm up for survival. And then go in for the kill. Again, one of the oldest tools in the tyrant’s toolkit.

The Chinese Communists are brilliant at divide, conquer and distract. They’re in for the long game, on a rarely seen scale. The militant Muslims, while less cool about it, are also in for the long-game, chipping away at infidels until they wipe them all out. The Soviets were like this, but they tended to brag and talk about their future, anticipated victory that never came. The Chinese Communists are quiet about it. That’s one reason they’re winning. The latest news was that they’re establishing beachheads in the Caribbean. The Biden regime claims to be upset about it, but will do nothing. Notice how they never do anything. Not because of weakness. But because they don’t want the U.S. to prevail. Isn’t that obvious? Biden and his criminal family have financial stakes in the survival of America’s enemies. There’s a lot of money in China. And with Ukraine’s corrupt regime (just as corrupt as Putin), who — while not explicitly an enemy — is draining our already spiraling national debt into infinity. That’s all the Biden crime family cares about, and that’s all anybody in power cares about: money and power. What else would motivate you to become and remain a career politician? They’re all taking their cut — of money, and also unearned power. As Ayn Rand would say, their grabs for unearned money and power fill the void where their self-respect, self-esteem and humanity should have been.

Earth to patriots, conservatives, libertarians and others: We are way, way beyond the limits set up by our Bill of Rights and Constitution. Those are just a tonic to appease people into thinking they’re more free than they really are. In America, especially, people view their freedom in terms of economic power over their lives. It’s that post-war, 1950s concept; and it was, at its peak, truly a beautiful thing. It’s still there, in practice, though it’s diminishing by the hour, especially with inflation.

In principle, that power of the average, middle class person over his economic destiny went out the window more than a century ago, when the U.S. started to go off the gold standard — meaning, a free market — and into the realm of government-influenced fiat currency, via the Federal Reserve. Read the insightful and informative works of Henry Hazlitt, George Reisman and Ludwig von Mises for a better understanding of economics. Also (believe it or not) the works of the early, brilliant Alan Greenspan, writing back in the 1960s before he joined the Swamp.

Today it’s way beyond the Federal Reserve. There’s government-controlled inflation (i.e., expansion of the money supply), explicitly designed to curb or eliminate the middle class. Inflation will not hurt the elites, and it will not hurt the poor, who depend on the government anyway. The elimination of the middle class will put mass numbers of people into the poor category, which means the government-dependent category. Check out Cuba, Venezuela, later Soviet Russia and even China, still, despite the economic development in that country.

You don’t have a middle class in totalitarian countries. That’s why inflation is actually a benefit, not a harm, to those who seek unearned wealth and power. The Bidens are simply one rather comically grotesque illustration of this principle. Plenty of others wait their turn, in both parties.

Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial

Truth in Our Age of Unreason

Breitbart Headline: Thought Police — Google Launches “Prebunking” Campaign to counter ‘Election Misinformation’

“Prebunking”?! Denying information before it’s uttered. Rational people call it censorship.

The creepy freak who runs Google is straight out of Orwell or Ayn Rand. Or Hitchcock. We are living in dystopian times. And amazingly ridiculous times.


Nazis on campus: Free speech, yes. Subsidies for your support of terrorism, no.

DEFUND THEM ALL. 100 percent. Make them persuade people to support their insanity.


Did you know…

Obama’s Chief of Staff and his brother paid hush money to the National Enquirer to have it pay off women with whom they had affairs. NYC DA Alvin Bragg has not indicted either Ari or Rahm Emanuel.

We do not need another rigged election. We need a revolution.

If we cannot repeat the American Revolution, I will accept a repeat of the French Revolution

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Our New National Nightmare is Just Beginning

Back in 1974, President Gerald Ford pardoned former President Richard Nixon so he could not be prosecuted as a criminal. Ford said he didn’t want to risk civil strife or civil war by prosecution of a former President.

Yet today we have a former and possible future President being prosecuted with dozens of (entirely politicized) criminal charges in the midst of an election campaign. With at least half of the country behind him, Trump is considerably more popular than Nixon was upon leaving office back in 1974.

If Ford’s concerns were valid 50 years ago, then how concerned should we be about some kind of civil war now? I know a lot of people who agree with me that there’s very little left to lose if things continue along their current course economically, politically and socially. These unspeakably arrogant, tyrannical and ruthlessly unjust judges and prosecutors generating the Sovietesque show trials in the ruins of the American court system are playing with fire in a way never envisioned by people like Gerald Ford when he pardoned Nixon.

Unlike Alan Dershowitz, a brilliant legal mind whom I respect greatly, I think these savages in suits will go all the way and imprison Trump, possibly before November. If that happens, I will be watching with great interest to see how millions of horrified people react. I am hoping this will finally wake them up to what has happened to our once great republic.

Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial.

Why Are They Destroying America ?

If someone wished to destroy America, could he do anything more catastrophic than what we currently see and hear each day? What would an existential enemy do that we have not already done to ourselves? Here are eleven now familiar steps to civilizational destruction: 1) Wipe out a 2,000 mile border. Allow 10-million foreign nationals to enter unlawfully. Have no audit of any; nullify all federal immigration laws. Let toxic drugs in that kill 100,000 Americans a year. Give free support for those millions who broke the law. Smear any objectors as racists and xenophobes. 2) Run up $35 trillion in national debt. Keep adding $1 trillion to it each 100 days. Defame anyone wishing to cut wild spending as cruel and inhumane. 3). Appease or subsidize enemies like Iran and China. Demonize allies like Israel. Allow terrorists to attack Americans without response. See Islam as either similar or superior to Christianity. Make amends to leftist governments for supposedly past toxic American international behavior. Follow the lead of international agencies like the UN, ICC, and WHO to atone forpast American neocolonial and imperialist behavior. Recede to second-tier international status, befitting American decline. 4) In a multiracial democracy, redefine identity only as one’s tribal affiliation. Ensure each identity group rivals the other for victimhood and the state spoils it confers. Redefine all political issues by race and sex oppressors and oppressed. Destroy all meritocratic standards of admission, retention, promotion, and commendation. 5) Redefine violent crime as understandable, cry-of-the-heart expressions of social justice. Ensure no bail and same-day release for arrested, repeat violent felons. Empathize with the violent killer and rapist; ignore their victims, especially if slain police-officers. 6). Emasculate the military by using non-meritocratic standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation. Deliberately smear as racists and insurrectionists the largest demographic in the military who in recent wars died at twice their numbers in the population—so that they leave or never join the military. Encourage retired high officers to slander their Commander-in-Chief. Cut the defense budget. Stop producing sufficient weapons, but leave billions of dollars’ worth of arms to terrorists. 7) Reinvent the justice system to indict, bankrupt, convict, jail and eliminate political opponents. Use ballot removal, impeachment, civil suits, and state and federal indictments rather than elections to defeat an opponent. Mob the homes of non-compliant Supreme Court Justices, attack them personally by name. 8) Encourage the fusion of the bureaucratic state with the electric media to form a powerful force for political audit, surveillance, censorship, and coercion. Marry the FBI to Silicon Valley and hire its contractors to warp the news and hound supposed enemies of the people. 9.) Make war on affordable gasoline and natural gas. Substitute inefficient, unreliable, and expensive wind and solar power, even as energy prices bankrupt the middle class. 10.) Marry late, but preferably not at all. Consider males toxic, especially boys. Have no children, or as few as possible. Otherwise, assure children they are entitled, and must be sheltered.  Raise them to have grievances against past generations and current norms. 11.) Turn world-class universities into indoctrination centers. Suspend the Bill of Rights on campuses. Train youth to graduate despising their own culture and civilization. Recruit foreign students from hostile nations to subsidize campus commissarbloat. Replace the curriculum with therapeutic propaganda. Ban the SAT/ACT and do not evaluate high school GPAs. Ensure merit does not select the student body. Charge tuition higher than the rate of inflation. Bill the government when students default on their loans. So why are those controlling Biden using him to advance much of such a destructive agenda that would end America as we know it? 1) They are delusional and think their socialist and globalist agendas are working and will save us. 2) They are raging nihilists who do not like the U.S. and deliberately want it destroyed as a service to the world. A ruined U.S. is preferable to a strong America. 3) They are Jacobin revolutionaries who are intentionally erasing the old United States as a prerequisite for creating an entirely new America that will arise from the ashes with no trace or even memory of its past. 4) They have no agenda. They are aimless fools, and utter incompetents. These bunglers just wing it day-to-day, in response to what their radical media, academic, and political masters dictate is necessary for them to retain power. They have no idea of the damage they are doing. 5. A bit of 1-3, but probably not 4.

Victor Davis Hanson

Sick of Trump Haters

I am sick of Trump haters. They face no accountability for their views, logically or intellectually speaking. In other words: They get to say: “Trump is awful,” while providing ABSOLUTELY NO defense for leaving us to radicalized Democrat Party tyrants (aided by RINOs like Mike Johnson) who are self-evidently destroying the country.

I am especially sick of Trump haters who claim to be conservatives, libertarians, Ayn Rand Objectivists and the like. These are people who are content to let Bidenistas (essentially Obama’s third term, plus the money and power of people like George Soros, etc.) openly and ruthlessly wreck the country. In some cases, these self-described right wingers actively and proudly VOTE for the radicalized Democrats — they smugly say, anything to stop Trump.

What makes Trump so horrible? He cut taxes. He rolled back regulations. He appointed conservatives (sometimes) to the Supreme Court and the federal courts. His appointments are the only thing keeping some of Biden’s worst policies (vax mandates, open censorship, student loan write offs) at bay. He boosted the morale of the military and used the threat of force against bad guys such as Iran and China. He tried to maintain a border. He wasn’t right about everything all the time, but no Republican is. Conservatives and libertarians generally understand that radicalized Democrats ARE wrong about EVERYTHING, all the time. Everything Trump did is what Republicans have always done, and what even many Democrats (in the past) have always done, such as have a border and sometimes lower taxes.

We’re left to conclude that they hate Trump because of his manner, his style, and the WAY he delivers his comments. “Those Tweets! I hated those Tweets!” So we’re supposed to give up on America — what’s left of it — and allow the radicalized Democrat Commiefascists roll over our liberties, security and prosperity with their woke bulldozers. By what standard, by what right and on what premise?

Your house is on fire. Trump has a fire hose and wants to put the fire out; or at least to try. “No, I want a better fireman. One who talks to women differently and who doesn’t write mean Tweets.” Stupid is too innocent a description for such a policy.

I am sick of having to defend myself for supporting Trump. Show me an alternative. Show me ANY alternative. Nikki Haley wants to be President so badly she’s about to burst. She loves the New York Times and Washington Post far more than our Constitution, and she proved that during the primaries. Ron DeSantis is a great governor of Florida, but he may be the most inept man ever to run for U.S. President in history.

Republicans, on the whole, are worse than worthless, except for a handful (Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rand Paul) who can’t get anywhere in Congress. Mike Johnson, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell –these are the people who control and run the Republican Party. One of the best things you can say about Trump is that he is NOT really a Republican. He’s not one of them. Rand Paul would be better, you say? Or Ron DeSantis? You might be right. But you can’t get them nominated, much less elected in a rigged national election. So what’s your justification for letting the house that was America burn to the ground?

People who scream about Trump’s STYLE while offering us no alternative except for the willful, painful, excruciating and now not-so-slow deliberate demolishing of our freedom, and our way of life, and our Bill of Rights … YOU are the people who should be on the defensive. Even more than the Democratic Commiefascists.

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Disband the Republican Party

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Disband the Republican Party

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Submitted by Old Dog

Guest Post by TL Davis

The time to end the Republican party is now, right now. I don’t care that it’s right before an election. As if elections meant anything and if they don’t, it’s because of the Republican party. The Republican party refused to take election tampering seriously. They were the ones who refused to take these cases to court, despite the overwhelming evidence of election interference, looking the other way when presented with voter fraud. If the Republican party cannot defend the rights of its constituents, but merely act as adjunct Democrats, the party should be abolished and reconstituted with those who recognize the dangers of unlimited debt, runaway inflation and a world turning away from the dollar as a prime reserve currency and the medium for purchasing petroleum.

The Republican party has funded the spying on American citizens by domestic intelligence services, the FBI and DOJ. They have funded the wide-open border. They have funded the UN who spread that largesse out to the NGOs who organize these caravans of illegals flooding the borders. They funded the instructions to vote for Biden when they made it to America. The Republican party is working in cooperation with the Democrats/communists to harm the American people. They are doing so arrogantly and with impunity, because the greater share of their constituents are afraid to abandon the party.

Fear not! Nothing our government can do to us will be any worse under Democrat rule than what we have recently witnessed from the Republicans. It might even help. As the Democrats rule through terrorism and hatred it might inspire some sort of resistance, but if the Republicans remain in charge, there will always be that sense that something better might come of it. It’s too late, they have been complicit in too many bad things, unwilling to do the good and responsible things, allowed all sorts of crimes to be committed under their noses and have not lifted a finger to put a stop to it, nor will they.

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The imprisonment of Donald Trump, or even defeating him at the ballot box out of lack of interest on the part of the Republicans, is an opportunity to tear down the scaffolding around a corrupt uniparty system.

Watching those Ukrainian flags wave from the floor of the House was a sickening sight and one that could only be accomplished by a treasonous band of greedy, self-serving politicians, ignorant or insensitive to deaths they will cause not only in Ukraine by continuing a war that long should have been settled, but here at home because they could have used their leverage to close the border. At least, they might have been able to reverse some very bad policy decisions that have made the border crisis much worse. But they didn’t. They didn’t do it, because deep down, they didn’t want to.

Some of them might have been convinced, however easily they should have seen through the fear-mongering of the intelligence agencies, that continuing the FISA surveillance of American citizens would save American lives, but the argument for that is childish and obviously a lie. The terrorists are here, now, planning in secret to carry out their tasks while the FBI ignores them, too busy snooping on moms and dads at school board meetings. It was a wholesale repudiation of the Fourth Amendment, the most un-American act performed without shame or fear of reprisal. It was treason, but what is treason when the majority of those in office are traitors themselves?

The Republican party offers cover for traitors, so it should be dismantled. It’s not hard, people, simply change your party affiliation to Independent and let it crash. Let them find an ounce of retribution from the people themselves. When and if the election is held, one can still vote for the only people who stood out as America First politicians. Accept no less than strident America Firsters. We have to put this nation first, or it is little less than a feeding frenzy of corruption and the United States is the beast.

DelWe are never going to fix America with an election anyway. It can’t be done that way. But first, there has to be a catalyst, a moment when the United States has failed completely. Hopefully states will seize the moment to recognize their own benefit from cutting itself loose from the chum. We are at a loss for leadership there, too. Governors are focused on higher office and will not take the bold steps required of a leader, but in times of crisis, leaders always rise.

Somehow, the intelligence community, and probably Schumer, got to that simpleton, Mike Johnson, and convinced him that he was an important man, a “war time Speaker” as he called himself recently, the savior of Ukraine, the Churchill of his time. Sad and sickening, but probably more the truth than everyone trying to blame it on blackmail. Regardless of how it happened, it did, but none in line behind Johnson would be able to take the gavel if they would have done anything different. With people like Buck and Gallagher to tip the House closer to the Democrats, they have a lot of middling creatures roaming those halls.

I hope the crux of the situation has finally revealed itself to those hoping to secure some rectification through elections has been dashed. Those on our side are not on our side. Vote to stymie the push of the communists, but that is not a solution, it’s a defensive act and of even less effectiveness now that the Republicans have been willing to frustrate the demands of their voters in broad daylight.

Even so, I find peace in the understanding that until these policies bring about what they most naturally and obviously will, there is no place to go with my disgust, but to uncouple myself from any hope for the Republican party or Republicans themselves and wait. My encouragement for Trump is unbowed, because he is the communist’s nemesis and as such continues to expose them for their base natures. This is a daily exhibition of corrupt communist politics. It’s edifying in a way. But flame to fuel still produces an eruption and this congress has been playing with matches for a long time. Somewhere along 2024, they will get their deserts.

It is my job, as I see it, to be prepared, to understand and respond to the crumbling of a civilization and to get my requisite five before I go.Subscribe


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RFK Jr.: ‘I’m gonna put the entire US budget on blockchain’

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he wants to put the “U.S. budget on blockchain,” a ledger of transactions typically associated with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

“I’m going to put the entire U.S. budget on blockchain so that any American — every American can look at every budget item in the entire budget anytime they want 24 hours a day,” Kennedy said Sunday during a rally in Michigan.

The public accounting of spending would theoretically allow more transparency and accountability into how the government spends taxpayer dollars, although getting every government transaction onto the blockchain would be a Herculean task.

Federal spending is also controlled through legislation, which is available to the public, and federal departments are often audited by government watchdogs such as the Government Accountability Office and their own inspectors general.

“We’re gonna have 300 million eyeballs on our budget, and if somebody is spending $16,000 for a toilet seat, everybody’s gonna know about it,” Kennedy said, appearing to reference a long history of scandals stemming from reports that the Pentagon paid $640 per toilet seat in the 1980s and $10,000 each for replacement toilet seat covers in 2018.

Kennedy has embraced digital assets, accepting campaign donations in bitcoin and touting plans to back the U.S. dollar with bitcoin if he’s elected to the White House in November.

But Kennedy has also publicly opposed plans for a central bank digital currency (CBDC), which the Federal Reserve is currently “exploring,” as have many Republicans including former President Trump.

While Republicans have rallied against the creation of CBDC, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank will not create one without Congress ordering it through legislation.

The Independent firebrand has described himself as the only pro-cryptocurrency candidate running for president as he wages a longshot bid in a contest dominated by the rematch between Trump and President Biden.

Stand With Crypto — a 501(c)(4) nonprofit launched by grassroots advocates and the crypto exchange giant Coinbase that “champions for clear, common-sense regulations for the crypto industry” — rates Kennedy as “strongly supportive of crypto.”

The advocacy group rates Trump as “supportive” of crypto and Biden as “against” it, although Biden did issue an executive order in 2022 laying out plans for “the responsible development of payment innovations and digital assets” that will help the U.S. maintain its leadership in global financial markets.

Taylor Giorno, The Hill

Fossil Fuels Have Saved the Earth

Actually, we have been saved by fossil fuels. In his 2022 book Fossil Future, Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress argues that fossil fuels are one of the greatest benefits to human civilization ever and that no viable substitutes exist, at least for now.

I agree, and I will add my own comments as I proceed.

Epstein notes that Earth, absent the benefits of fuel-powered machines and electrical energy created by fossil fuels, is a dangerous place (as noted) characterized by mass poverty, recurring starvation, death from extremely cold or extremely hot temperatures, poor medical care, poor sanitation, exhausting manual labor, bad water, inadequate shelter, devastating natural disasters, and low life expectancy.

The nations that suffer the most today are those that lack such technology. Without fossil fuels, people will keep suffering because they will remain poor and helpless.

Coal, oil, and gas are responsible for almost all the energy created today—about eighty percent. Solar and wind provide only about three percent, though this is gradually increasing. Fossil fuels have allowed humanity, insofar as it has advocated reason, to master nature by following the laws of nature and science, thus enabling the human race to multiply and thrive. Fossils fuels are abundant in nature: plentiful, cheap, and reliable when production and transportation are not opposed by government regulations.

The championed substitutes for fossil fuels today are wind, solar, and batteries. Epstein notes, as have others, the many problems with these sources. Windmills do not work without wind. (I would add that lightning can destroy windmills and windmills can destroy wildlife.) Solar panels do not work without sunlight. Batteries are nowhere near cost-effective enough or efficient enough to store and provide sufficient energy when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining enough.

In practice, solar, wind, and batteries are not currently viable replacements for fossil fuels. They are unreliable, inefficient add-ons to fossil fuels, and they all need large amounts of fossil fuel backup. They also need generous government subsidies, which will increase the costs of energy. Further, solar is heavily dependent on products from China, which could give China, an imperialist dictatorship, economic and political power over us. (There is some evidence that the panicky attempt to convert to these power sources right away is leading to premature shutdowns of fossil fuels plants.) And Russia’s fossil fuels seek to make us dependent on another dangerous dictatorship.

What about pollution? Epstein documents that it has been decreasing for decades, thanks to technology. Further, he identifies the ways that side effects can be mitigated.

What other alternatives are there for power? Epstein favors two: waterpower from dams and nuclear power. Both are safe, dependable, non-polluting and do not take up much land or harm birds and animals. Some people worry about nuclear waste. So far the problem has not been intractable, and it may be that such waste can be recycled. This will require further study. Dams work well but are not possible everywhere, but nuclear power is potentially available everywhere, and it is available 24/7. Beyond that, nuclear power does not take up much land, does not make noise, does not hurt animals, and is safer than oil.

I would like to stress that any country fully powered by nuclear would not be dependent on fuels or technology supplied by other countries, such as Russia, would not need to worry about price fluctuations, cutoffs, or the wrong weather, and could not be blackmailed.

Sadly, nuclear power is roundly opposed by many and especially by environmentalists—not just in the United States, but also around the world. Even as oil prices skyrocket, England, Germany, and the United States have pushed to close their nuclear plants, though some countries are now worried that they are moving too fast and plan to keep their nuclear plants open. France, to its credit, relies on nuclear for seventy percent of its power. (Note: France is now having problems with some reactors, but one can assume that these problems will be resolved.) The anti-nuclear countries are now having second thoughts about this ill-fated choice.

Epstein argues that biomass and geothermal are at least decades away from becoming even significant supplements to fossil fuels, let alone replacements. In the meantime, he does not think fossil fuels will destroy the Earth.

In a free society, people are always free to create and invent new, cheap, and dependable power sources that are better than what we have now. Some companies are exploring hydrogen. Scientists are exploring nuclear fusion (though it has not been proven to work yet). For now, we will need to rely almost totally on the power produced by fossil fuels to even build new power technologies.

A word is in order about global warming. Let me first say that finding the most useful data is extremely difficult because every site (and I looked at many) has its own agenda in terms of what they choose to post. Give it a shot yourself: try finding a year-by-year account of the average global temperature of the Earth. With all the outcry over global warming and climate change, this information should be more easily accessible.

Here is the best information I have been able to find with respect to global warming. The mean world temperature in 1900 was 56.7 F. In 1999, it was 56.9 F., a negligible change. From 2000 to about April of 2022 (22.4 years), the mean world temperature has increased to 59.7 F., an increment of 2.8 degrees F. This could be of concern. Of course, 22 years is much less than 100 years, so we cannot be certain of what the longer-term trend will be. Further, there are disputes about the accuracy of world temperature readings.

Regardless, an increase of 2.8 degrees will not destroy the Earth. Certainly, it is not enough of a change to call for a sudden and drastic end to fossil fuels. We will need fossil fuels for some time. Most importantly, I am convinced that nuclear power would be a much better replacement for fossil fuels than the unreliable trio that is now favored.

Edwin Locke

Transferring Unlimited $$ to Ukraine’s Corrupt Government Does NOT Support Freedom

Regarding unlimited funding by American taxpayers of the Ukraine government: It’s the conservatives I don’t understand. The ones who claim to want limited government, or no more Big Government. The ones who don’t want vax mandates, socialized medicine, and the like. Obviously, they’re not fans of activist, redistributive government, right? Yet they assume that by transferring mass amounts of unaccountable wealth from one self-evidently corrupt government (America) to another even more self-evidently corrupt government (Ukraine), we’re somehow fighting for “freedom.”

It might be arguably worth it, at least voluntarily, to provide money for ACTUAL freedom fighters. But the Ukrainian government is obviously no more trustworthy than the Russian government or America’s government. And even if you think it IS trustworthy, HOW or WHY do you trust the Biden regime — headed by a criminal family who, the evidence already shows us, has enjoyed shady dealings with Ukraine for years — to ensure that the money is used in the defense of freedom? The Biden regime is the most virulently anti-freedom government America has ever seen. Most conservatives say they understand this. Yet they trust the Biden regime to get the money safely to Ukranians for “freedom”? [And yes, Russia is a corrupt government too. But just because Russia’s government is corrupt does not mean that Ukraine’s government is angelic.]

And why isn’t it working? Why is it that the more billions and billions we send to Ukraine, the more billions they need? Where is the objective endpoint? Or is there none? This sounds more to me like heroin addiction than freedom fighting. What happened to the brains in this country? I understand the leftists in academia and the Democratic Party are lost causes. They are for brutality, not brains. But people on the libertarian, conservative or Ayn Rand “Objectivist” side who claim to be pro-individual rights and pro-mind … how can they possibly make such a brazen, glaring error? Whatever the nature of the error — intellectual or financial — it’s not innocent.

Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial

Why Do We Relive Our Childhood Issues ?

Interestingly enough, abandonment is a fairly common topic of conversation in the offices of helping professionals, physicians and others. Let’s take a closer look at what is meant by “abandonment issues.”  In general, it has to do with childhood experiences. Real or perceived abandonments by one’s parents can have lasting effects. As Italian athlete Mario Balotelli put it, “They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets.”

From the vantage point of a child, that’s quite possibly true. But children are not adults. When you’re a child, you truly are helpless – and you don’t understand much. But as an adult, you’re capable of self-reliance and independence. Even if you feel that you’re not, you still are. Maybe you never got past that childhood feeling of helplessness and dependence. But it’s a curable problem. And you can always start working on it as soon as you truly want to.

It saddens me when I hear therapists tell their clients they must relive their abandonment issues – over and over again. Why must they relive them? Can’t they just acknowledge them and move on? Why does one have to relive all that angst and sadness for no other reason than to go through them again? Reliving the past might be a good deal for the therapist, but how is it supposed to be a good deal for the person enduring it?

To an adult, abandonment can mean many things. It could mean that somebody no longer loves you. Ouch! Or sometimes people leave you against their will, as in death. Truly terrible. No matter what the circumstances, loss is a terrible thing. When you love someone as an adult, you love them because they are special to you. When the impact of the loss hits, it’s devastating and can last for a while.  It’s like a hole blown in your life. That’s the emotional form the sense of abandonment takes.

On some level you might always feel the loss. But the fact remains: you’re still an adult. You’re able to make rational distinctions no child could ever be expected to grasp. When you’re four, six or ten, you can’t be expected not to take it personally if your father or mother walks out on the family, or exits your life for reasons you do not understand. But as an adult, you have choices because of your adult ability to act as a self-reflective, self-responsible entity. You’re able to think, chart new courses, reinvent yourself and do all kinds of things no child could do. Therein lies the hope, which is always standing side-by-side with abandonment and loss.

When a loss or abandonment in adulthood reminds you, even subconsciously, of similar pain you experienced in childhood, it’s a good thing to know — and it’s worth noting. But you don’t have to relive experiences from age three or twelve in order to get through your experiences at age twenty-five, fifty or seventy-eight. We all have different perspectives at different points in life, and it’s important to apply those perspectives to what you know, and to what you’re experiencing in the present. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them, but living in the past does not teach you anything.

Life must be lived in the here and now, not in the past. The past is indeed part of who we are. But it’s what we do in the present that determines whether we can live happy and psychologically healthy lives.

Michael J. Hurd